Monday 16 January 2012

What is the Connection between Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide?

Valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide are chemicals that are combined to form a hypertension medication commercially known as Diovan HTC. Most people with raised blood pressure need multiple medications to control their blood circulation pressure levels and other related symptoms. The combined medication formula helps to not only dilate blood vessels, but also assists in ridding the body of excess fluid and salt.

Valsartan is an angiotensin II receptor blockerthat works by avoiding the human body from producing the angiotensin II hormone. Angiotensin II regulates a person's blood circulation pressure by both narrowing the blood vessels and retaining salt in the body. Normally the body monitors these procedures on its own and regulates a person's blood circulation pressure, but in an individual with heart disease or other health conditions, your body's ability to compensate is damaged. Valsartan allows the blood vessels to expand, and decreases the amount of fluid being released by the kidneys. This combination decreases the pressure in the blood vessels and allows the heart to more easily pump blood throughout the human body.

Hydrochlorothiazide is a diuretic that prevents the body from both retaining water and absorbing salt by increasing the person’s excretion of urine. Also known as a “water pill, ” hydrochlorothiazide also prevents the kidneys from reabsorbing sodium as fluid passes through to the bladder. The body retains excess fluid because of problems with the heart, liver, kidney, or raised blood pressure, and a physician will often prescribe one of the many types of diuretics for these patients. Only thiazide diuretics will help to lower blood circulation pressure as well as rid the body of fluid.

The combination of Valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide helps those with hypertension to lower their blood circulation pressure and reduce the stress and strain caused by overworked heart and arteries by removing excess fluid. With valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide, the expanded blood vessels and paid down pressure allow more blood and oxygen to travel to the brain, reducing the chance of a stroke. The decreased pressure on the heart, arteries, and kidneys also decreases a person’s threat of heart attack or kidney failure.

As with most medications, there are some side effects associated with the use of valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide. Some people experience dizziness or have headaches, but most people rarely complain of any adverse effects. If a person develops a severe rash, high blood sugar levels, jaundice, or swelling, they should immediately contact a physician. Seek medical advice before taking valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide.

Diovan is a marvelous drug that is especially researched, developed, manufactured and marketed to cure critical heart worries. Heart is a vital part of our body and carries out its mechanism to keep us alive.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Treat Hypertension With Beta Blocker-Metoprolol

High Blood Pressure is caused basically due to the biological and physical effect. Arteries become narrow which increases the strain on the heart as it inhibits the blood to flow smoothly through the blood vessels. Like a hose pipe, where the pressure is built to make the water flow faster, the pressure inside the arteries are also increased. This makes the heart to beat faster, leading to many health problems. Heart attacks, strokes and failure of heart being the most common kinds. Therefore, it becomes important that you work on your health in order to achieve a healthy heart beat. Medicine such as Metoprolol is a great way to reduce high blood pressure in your body.

Metoprolol can be defined as a beta blocker prescribed usually for the treatment of high blood pressure, hypertension. It blocks the actions carried by natural chemicals which affect the blood vessels and heart like epinephrine. Metoprolo Succinate is the generic form of Brand Toprol XL. It is the cheaper version as not everybody can buy the costly brand toprol. It can be bought through any online store at lesser value as in the market. The difference between both is only of the price. The effect that both has on the body is same as they are made from the same active chemical named metaprolol. Also, it will be available in a different packaging, different in colour, shape and size. Strength of 25mg, 50mg100mg and 200mg can be available at any pharmacy near your home.

Friday 13 January 2012

Metoprolol an Efficient Trouble Shooter of Cardiovascular Diseases

Today’s busy world and hectic pressurized working schedule and mostly the unhealthy unhygienic eating habits create many diseases in human beings. Among these diseases some symptoms start capturing the vital mechanisms carrying out in our body and capture some important organs as well. From these diseases the tendencies that capture our heart functions causes a lot worry and create immense anxieties. So step should be taken forward to cure and reduce the notifying tendencies from the root.
Metoprolol which comes under the brand name of Toprol XL or Lopressor is an FDA approved medication since august 1978.This drug comes under the active instruction and mechanism of beta adrenergic blocking agent used for the fruitful affective treatment of high blood pressure, chest pain, abnormal heart beats and also prescribed to treat various neurological disorders. Metoprolol actively impacts to control over these symptoms by controlling the undesirable movements and functions of the sympathetic nerve system by inhibiting the action of beta receptors on the sympathetic nerve structure. So Metoprolol or Toprol XL stands successful in controlling the unusual heart beats. Metoprolol also significantly reduces the impact force and pressurization on heart muscles. By performing this mechanism it successfully reduces the blood pressure level to normal controlled level. It also helps us out from chest pain by reducing the unusual requirement of oxygen by our heart muscles.

So Metoprolol is advised to be a prescribed medication in numerous cases who suffer from any suspected heart syndrome. But you should be literate about the safety precautions as a little negligence may be harmful to your health. Your physician should be informed if you suffered from a congestive heart failure in near future, low blood pressure level, asthma, bronchitis, diabetics, liver disease, kidney disease or depression. As you need to undergo special observations in regarding the drug consumption in these cases. So be wise to take timely prevention to report to your doctor.

So Metoprolol can be the right drug and medication for you to give you relief from the coronary diseases if taken under proper consultation.

Friday 6 January 2012

Drip by Drip is the Way Tropol Makes its Way in your Heart

There are many medicines that are available in the market in different medicinal groups that are able to treat high blood pressure. The body gets affected differently by each group. Basically the arteries of the heart get narrowed causing heart and chest pain. Doctors decide which kind of medication to put you through. Toprol XL is one drug that is used for the treatment of hypertension, heart failure related with ischemic origin. Beta blockers are groups that slower the heart down and makes the pumping of heart rate reduced, making the heart work smoothly. This lowers the blood pressure.

Toprol XL is a great beta blocker that has been designed to induce medicines slowly in a human body, drop by drop. This makes the medicine to be taken less frequently, gently making its way in the body as opposed to a big hit of dosage at once. It lowers the chances of the patient to get hospitalized whenever he gets a heart failure.

Generic Toprol XL is also available by the name of Metoprolol Succinate. This form of toprol is cheaper but nonetheless equally effective. It also lowers the blood pressure, heart rate and strain put on the heart. FDA has approved the formulation of this drug and its use.

Make sure that you visit a medical practitioner before taking treatment of any medicine and consult him throughout your medication. Online doctors can also be consulted as they too provide you proper guidelines for the treatment of Toprol XL.